My new job at the Institute for Human Centered Design.
I have taken a long break from creating any content for my blog, but I would like to renew my effort to write and post content about myself to the blog. I am currently working and living in Boston, Massachusetts. It is quite the change from living in the San Francisco Bay Area this summer. I still miss visiting the Bay Area and can’t wait to return next week.
I am very happily employed at the Institute for Human Centered Design. I get a lot of questions about what we do as an organization. IHCD was founded shortly after the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1991. We have been disability rights advocate since then. We have focused on the designed environment with the philosophy that good design should address the needs of all the users. We now house the New England ADA Center, Access to Design Professions, a full architectural studio, a store, a library and Fair Housing First project. This is just a small glimpse into the many projects that we are involved in.
Since starting last September, I have been involved in helping advise and coordinate the IT systems upgrades for the organization. I have also been given the responsibility to maintain the current website and help plan improvements with the rest of the staff. Over the last couple of months, I have been very busy with the launch of the ADA Checklist for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal website and the new learning system for the New England ADA Learning courses, which should be launching soon. I have also been given the opportunity to help coordinate the social media efforts for the New England ADA Center. Follow us at @NewEnglandADA. I am excited about the future projects that are going to be involved in and I will keep this updated.